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Social & Christian Change
1741: Rochford's first public school
Rochford Congregationalists start public school
1797: Rayleigh Baptists
Rayleigh Baptists church is established with Reverend James Pilkington
1820s: Methodism comes to Rochford
Methodism comes to Rochford, possibly from Leigh's Wesley fishermen/preachers
1837: Rochford Workhouse
The 1835 Poor Law led to Rochford Workhouse in 1837, where people were made to 'pick Oakum' (unpicking tarred fibres from ship rigging for use in sealing gaps in ships' timbers)
1837: James Banyard forms Peculiar People
James Banyard formed the Peculiar People in Rochford, which spread across the district and much of Essex and was the foundation for the Evangelical Church
1840: Police formed in Rayleigh and Rochford
Police formed in Rayleigh and Rochford
1842: Hockley became a Spa town
1860s: Philip Benton records local history
Philip Benton, of Shopland & Little Wakering, recorded the district's history
1890s: Inspector Chase disturbs a dancing bear
Inspector Chase, checking on the overnight sleepers in Rochford awaiting the London coach, disturbs a dancing bear being taken to a local fair
1912: Women's Suffrage disorder in Rayleigh
Women's Suffrage disorder in Rayleigh and elsewhere in the district
1917: WI founded in Essex
Women's Institute founded in Essex
1926: Rayleigh Elim church
Elim church founded in Rayleigh
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